Friday, December 21, 2012

Tender Mercy Part 2

This is an experience that proves to me that Heavenly Father has sprinkled tender mercies all throughout my life- some being in the works for many years. Thank you, Lisa, for allowing me to share this beautiful experience exactly as it unfolded before my eyes. To read Tender Mercy, (which is Part 1), click here.

In September I received this email, some weeks after I posted Tender Mercy:

I am new at the computer, so if you get this Sara, it will be a
miracle. My name is Lisandra Brothers and I wrote the Ensign Article,
"My Mission Was Cut Short." I wrote it over three years ago after
being prompted one morning upon getting out of bed. It came as one
huge clear thought, where in just seconds, I was shone what I should
write and to who. The article was accepted quickly with a cover
letter that told me it would be published in a year or less. A year
came and went and it wasn't published, so I thought it would never be
published and so forgot about it. Then in December of 2011, I was
informed it would be published in the Easter edition of the Ensign
2012. I can see now how important that timing of the Lord was. If it
had been published any earlier, you may never have received the
comfort from the words of my great Aunt Adella's mission president.
When the church published this, they changed the title to reach
returned missionaries who had come home early. As I write this, I can
see that Tesslee is also a missionary returned to her Heavenly Father.
She will have many things to report of her short time on earth. But
mainly, she will be able to report that her earthly parents loved her
very much, that they wanted her to live so badly, and that they
applied great faith in Heavenly Father's wisdom upon her return. It is
an amazing thing you've been through and I also believe that she is
helping you from the other side. Thanks for blogging. Love, Lisandra
(Lisa) Brothers

I was so grateful for this email. I remember it came on a really hard day, and I felt like it was a reminder sent from Heavenly Father that he knew I was struggling and this would give me some peace. I thought about the timing, Like Lisa had said, I knew there was no coincidence in it. I am in awe that experiences in Lisa's great aunt Adelle's history so many years ago, were recorded with me and my own future trials connected somehow. Also, I find it so interesting that certain words were changed, knowing they would catch my eye during specific moments of desperation. I became curious how Lisa was lead to my blog. I wrote her back, thanked her for sharing this history with me and asked her how she came across my blog. This was her reply:

Dear Sara,

One night, I had the strongest impression to Google my own name. I am new to the computer, and it was not something I was accustomed to doing. It was quite late, nearing midnight, as I did so. I came across many entries, but when I came to My Tesslee Treasure I wondered if it was a blog about my Ensign article. As I read your "Tender Mercy" entry, I wept. Huge tears fell down and covered the front of my pajamas. I had wanted to tell you of my initial reaction to your blog last time I e-mailed, but it slipped my mind as I was writing you about the timing of the article. But to me, the emotional reaction I had to your loss and your pain was significant. I have never married and have never had a child, so you would think I could not relate to your loss. But, it is exactly in the loss of children and marriage that I am able to feel for your loss. I have no problem with you sharing my e-mails on your blog. If ever I write you something that I feel shouldn't be shared, I will let you know. I hope you will be able to continue to feel the comfort of the Holy Ghost as you work your way through this horrible loss. Mourning is something understood and allowed by the Lord. He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. It has been through the sorrows of my life that I have been able to become closer to and more acquainted with him. I just don't believe you can draw really close to him without undergoing sorrow. It is by needing Him that we get to know Him. Because you need Him, you will come to understand Him and what He has given you. It is the silver lining to such a horrible loss. Don't worry too much about your need to mourn for however long. The Lord will help you. He knows you perfectly and therefore knows just exactly all timing, including the timing of mourning for you. Keep up your good work of working through your pain with Him. Love, Lisa Brothers
What was clear to me before, was solidified now on finding out the intricate details of this experience. I knew I had to share this on my blog. It has been one of my Tesslee Treasures. I am so grateful for Lisa and her willingness to search me out and let me know of the details that had been perfectly laid in place just for me.
I've also pondered how Heavenly Father has grown to know He can trust Lisa with promptings, using her as a tool to help someone in need, knowing she has the courage to reach out to even a perfect stranger, offering support and compassion. I want to be this way. I want Heavenly Father to know He can count on me to be His hands. This experience has made such an impact on my life. I've been able to lean on this tender mercy many times throughout my grieving process.

I am confident that all of us have been blessed with tender mercies. If we become aware to them, we will find that they are all around us, carefully prepared and placed as reminders of how perfect our Heavenly Father knows and deeply loves each one of us.

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