Friday, June 21, 2013

The Tabloids

I hate the tabloids!!! I've done my best to avoid them for over a year now. They are excruciating the way they depict and portray pregnancy and childbirth. Today I returned home from shopping, emotionally irritated and angry. Everywhere my eyes were I saw some kind of report on a celebrity giving birth. One of the accounts said "delivery room drama" and I just wanted to shake whoever wrote that and scream, "Drama? Is the baby living? Then where's the drama!!!?"

It was horrifying having to divide time in the delivery room between welcoming Tesslee into this world, taking all of her beauty and birth in and having to let go, say goodbye and make arrangements for her body, simultaneously. There are no words that begin to express how horrifying it was and continues to be.

I am releasing this bitterness into the universe. I am done with it and moving on with my evening.

1 comment:

  1. I saw those same stupid tabloids and magazines yesterday and they really bothered me too! Those fools don't even know what 'delivery room drama' really means! It drives me crazy too!
